Incentive Consultancy, the professional services arm of the Incentive FM Group was appointed in July 2021 as Phase 1 Transition Partner to assist the GPA over nine months in developing its strategy for Workplace Services Transformation Programme (WSTP). The programme is designed to fulfil the GPA’s mission –

“To create great places to work for civil servants, enabling them to deliver excellent public services, and to feel valued for the brilliant work they do on behalf of the public”

A dedicated team of consultants from Incentive, led by Bill Pollard, worked with the WSTP team and GPA board members to establish a benchmark of opinion and data to help inform the outline business case (OBC). The next stage was to prepare for the large-scale procurement of onboarded and pipeline service contracts throughout the extensive GPA estate of buildings from a wide variety of Government properties, old new and purpose built by the GPA.

Orientation and familiarisation commenced with stakeholder interviews of GPA staff, key service providers and Government department customers. A data strategy was developed and agreed using the Spending Review baseline, to inform the creation of a procurement and lotting strategy. A variety of different contract models were considered, then a roadmap was created and agreed for the transformation strategy with approval gained within the OBC. The new hubs programme for new multi tenanted Government buildings around the country was also reviewed and refreshed to match the GPA’s service vision.

A parallel piece of work was also progressed, assisting in the development of the roadmap for the GPA’s customer engagement and digital experience platform.

Client Comment:

Dom Brankin, Director of Workplaces services for the GPA said:

“The Incentive Consultancy team have acted as a critical friend, being equally challenging and supportive. Bringing their commercial and private sector expertise and experience has allowed us to challenge the status quo and helped set us on our journey to provide great places to work for the civil service”

Client: Government Property Agency (GPA) Transformation Programme

Incentive Consultancy