Incentive Consultancy has been working with Liverpool Football Club (LFC) to complete a review of non match day facilities operations at the main locations of its Anfield stadium, Melwood training ground and Youth Academy.

The project is being managed by Andrew Parkinson, Operations Director at LFC, who was previously General Manager at Bluewater in Kent, where he worked with Incentive  Consultancy for many years on a number of facilities projects. There was concern that many of the operational practices at LFC are historic and that whilst they may work and have served the business well over the years, they may not necessarily be the best solutions together with resultant risks, costs and resource levels for the current and potential future needs.

The skills and knowledge we bring to the retail FM and FM Consultancy sectors are directly transferable to the stadium operations of clubs like Liverpool.

The scope of the Incentive Consultancy review includes cleaning, security services, building infrastructure maintenance, M&E, sports field maintenance, asset management and the help desk operations as well as a review of the client side facilities management structure. Key objectives of the consultancy project are to identify the most efficient and appropriate operational structure to run the facilities operations and provide a detailed analysis of the alternative means of service delivery and output cost benefits.

Incentive Consultancy will also review the planned versus reactive nature of maintenance operations together with recommendations, assess the validity of the life cycle plan, and look at the current allocation and planning of work within the short summer closed season to identify maximum opportunity for capital project works.

As part of the project Incentive Consultancy have also bench marked FM best practice from five other Premiership clubs who have worked in collaboration and are also interested in the findings of Incentive’s study. Phase 2 of the work will see Incentive  Consultancy assisting LFC in implementing new facilities management and operational structures, systems and personnel to best position the company for a future with a potential new stadium or major overhaul at Anfield all very possible in the short to mid term future.

Client: LFC

Location: Anfield Stadium, Melwood Training Ground and Youth Academy.

Incentive Consultancy